January 5, 2016 Mercury at 1 degree Aquarius will station Retrograde. Within a few days, on the 8th, Mercury’s backward movement will take Mercury back into Capricorn.
When Mercury stations retrograde it is a cosmic signal to pause…..to mentally reflect, gather information, and re-evaluate. The area of life represented by the house in your birthchart shows were this inner reflection is closely related to. Often during Mercury retrogrades information flow, conversations, intentions become mixed up, misunderstood, or just plain lost. It can be frustrating, and taking a step back and looking at everything before you continue can be very useful. In experiencing any annoying delays, remember that there is purpose in this. There are times when it is valuable to go over details, and take time to make decisions as it helps in making better decisions. There is a gift in going through files, cleaning out drawers and closets, updating emails lists or creating a business calendar. In our busy lives we need some time to plan before we take action. To get things in order. It actually makes life smoother.
This retrograde begins in Aquarius, an air sign that is revolutionary, innovative, freedom loving, and seeks individuality. There is a uniqueness about Aquarius that can stand out in a crowd. A fearlessness to be real. At 1 degree this begins with the need to delve more deeply into what is authentic for each of us. What changes need to happen to facilitate this process? And again, the house in the birthchart will shine light on the area of life being stimulated. There is also a square to Mars at 1 degree Scorpio adding some tension, and possible fear, frustration, and even anger to the onset of the first retrograde of the calendar year. However, squares are compelling, and can foster growth. And the square will let up…so hang in if today feels tense…
On the 8th Mercury’s movement will take it back into the earth sign of Capricorn shifting our inner gaze upon integrity, possibly career, and meaningful achievement. At the end of this retrograde Mercury will be in a sextile with Mars, adding the desire to be focused and take action. It will also be squaring Uranus, touching once again on the need to be more authentic and the fears that arise around how that can manifest. Lastly, Mercury makes a conjunction with Pluto, bringing us all to reflect upon what is really important to us to do, to work for, and to accomplish; through structure, responsibility, and commitment.
And if you’re able to, move forward after Mercury stations direct on the 25th with your realizations, the plans you developed, the decisions made, any big purchases, or long term commitments. And some basic Mercury retrograde suggestions…do remember to write things down, make your lists, double check your facts, and take a moment before you erase anything!! Make copies and back up your files. If you can’t wait, then take a moment, or two, or three and explore all avenues, discuss all feelings, understand all the details, and be as clear as you can about all matters.
Remember that there is a shadow period of about 2 weeks after that can still create a bit of delay or confusion. The wheels begin to turn slowly and the energy shifts…as above, so below…
If you would like to know the house within your birthchart that Mercury retrograde triggers, please send me your birth information. I would need your date of birth mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible), and city and state of birth. Or if you have any questions or comments, please contact me at dksleo13@talkingskyastrology.com.
Be Well ~ Be Love