Gift wrapping. It is the time of year where we are all thinking of wrapping presents, the anticipation of gifting and receiving, and sharing meals with those we love. I am wrapping 2017 and gifting it to the past so I can receive the gift of the present fully. This year I saw some of my pets leave, the birth of my granddaughter, a five year project come to fruition, appeared on my favorite television show, and shared tears and laughter with family and friends. Much more than that happened of course and I am grateful. I am especially grateful of making a living with my creativity for the last four decades. We tend to reflect when we come upon life markers, births, birthdays, losing someone dear, anniversaries, and the conclusion of a year. What is working for us? What isn’t working for us? Do we have the wisdom and courage to evolve healthily? I am wrapping this year and offering it’s ashes to the wind and breathing in the fresh air of the now. Thank you for being here.