The New Moon in Aries - April 18th

Today, April 18th,  there is a New Moon in the very last degrees of Aries. In the last degrees it does increase the energy of Aries. The New Moon and the sign of Aries both represent the beginning of a cycle. The New Moon is a time to set your intentions for something new. A time to open up to what is needed or desired. A time for change within or out in your world.

Aries is the Warrior, the initiator, bold, independent, courageous, and passionate.  If you think about change, or creating something new and unknown, there can be some fear or anxiety and the drive and courage of Aries can be the motivator to step into the unknown (or the known and not yet explored).

Aries is also an energy of defense, of setting boundaries, which at times is important in setting off on a path of discovery.  Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and its expression is I AM. The first sign of life demanding to be.

Aries can bring up frustration and anger. If these feelings take over, connect to them consciously. Think about what is really behind them.  Allow yourself space to sit with these feelings. Breathe. If you can find a journal or notebook. Find that blank page, connect with your heart and higher guidance and begin writing. Imagine whatever it is that you would want to step into, to create, to change. Write it out in the greatest detail. Then write down one thing, the first action that you can do to begin the process of setting things in motion. It might be a needed conversation, it might be making that phone call. It might be putting aside funds. Make a commitment to your intention. Bless it, release it, and trust.

Remember that the New Moon is the Dark Moon. It is the mysterious void where creation begins. On some level we do this process every day in small ways, and without the consciousness that the New Moon offers.

Transiting Uranus in Aries since 2011 adds a layer of astrological charge. The need to be more authentic in life, the fears that get in the way, and the courage and drive to claim it. This major transit has been creating upheaval in the world and individually. Ultimately it is to shake up and shake off what within the world and each of us that needs more freedom to be more of who we really are.  During this New Moon, the process of releasing what no longer feels right, and creating and integrating what does feel very much in alignment with your essence, is asking to, and sometimes demanding to be heard.

Be wise and thoughtful. Don’t allow impatience to create a blunder, but do engage with drive and determination to create a meaningful new intention.

Understanding where this New Moon falls in your birthchart, as well as the placement of your natal Mars can provide insight to this Moon and new intentions. If you are interested in knowing where this New Moon occurs in your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Deborah - Talking Sky Astrology

The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra - April 4th


BY Deborah Sipple

On April 4th we will have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in the air sign of Libra.  Lunar eclipses are very powerful Full Moons which signify changes up to 3, and sometimes 6 months after. Full moons are in opposition to the Sun setting up an awareness and tension between the two signs, as well as intensifying emotions. It is a time to reach conclusions or full understanding, to find resolve, to complete something.

This lunar eclipse is the 3rd of 4 total lunar eclipses in a row, which is called a lunar tetrad. The last time a lunar tetrad occurred was 2003-2004. This eclipse will be visible in North and South America, Asia, and Western Australia.

Libra is an air sign that seeks peace, beauty, and balance. There is a need to take into consideration the other person, as creating harmony with others is one of the main expressions of Libra energy. Sometimes in the desire for peace, Libra can sidestep or bury important issues. This usually leads to a bigger problem that will eventually demand attention and resolve.  

Aries is a fire sign and seeks courage, independence and action. Aries can also be expressed through impatience, frustration, fear and anger.

During a full moon and especially an eclipse, emotions can become intense and if there are things brewing, it will be challenging for them to remain silent.  Since the polarity of this Moon is Libra/Aries, issues can arise that have to do with the needs, desires, and freedom of the individual that oppose the needs, desires and support of the relationship. In essence, I vs We.  This can create stressful situations in personal or work relationships or environments. There can be changes in relationships, which could lead to estrangement.  There also could be changes that deepen the commitment to another and the relationship. Or, the realization that a special, yet struggling relationship can be strengthened with some loving attention. This depends on the person, the birthchart, and the location in the chart of the eclipse.

To add some cosmic fuel to this powerful lunation is Uranus, the Sun, and Mercury all in Aries in opposition to the Moon, and Pluto in Capricorn creating friction with a square to Uranus, the Sun, and the Moon.  Uranus in Aries is the wild card, creating a strong push for freedom and authenticity, as well as the potential for sudden shifts or changes. Pluto brings in a compelling power that can bring transformation through integrity and personal authority, or intense conflicts that can confuse or sabotage. Keep in mind that Uranus and Pluto in the mix can create a volatile situation if not handled with awareness.

If your emotions begin to overwhelm, take a few minutes to breathe and calm yourself.  If there are issues that needs to be shared, do so in the spirit of mediation. Think about the outcome you would desire, and share honestly with the intention of mutual respect and understanding.


To truly understand how this Lunar Eclipse affects you, it is important to know where it occurs in your birthchart. If you are interested in knowing the house placement of this eclipse, please send me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.

Be Well ~ Be Love

Deborah - Talking Sky Astrology


Today is the Winter Solstice; the shortest day and longest night of the year. The past three months is when the darkness grew and many of us naturally felt a deep focus within, becoming more aware of our internal process of understanding, healing, and growth.

On this day we also celebrate the cycles of nature, the way that we are part of them and how they affect our lives, internally and externally. There is something very grounding about participating in our awareness of this ongoing cycle of life. The ebb and flow of light and dark. Recycling of nature through death and rebirth. So today we prepare to move forward and embrace the growing light.  Even if we are not actively aware of this cycle, on some level we respond. As the light grows we just feel better, and there is a sense of hope, new growth, and a renewal in the wonders of life.

Today is also the New Moon in Capricorn. New Moons represent the dark void where the creation of the new can manifest. I think that it is powerful that this New Moon conjoins with the Winter Solstice. As we welcome back the light we also set intentions for something new; an idea, a project, a relationship, a trip….the list is as endless as there are people.

Capricorn is a sign that truly seeks to be significant, accomplished. To do something that will last and be remembered. Something that will matter; to the individual and/or the collective. When Capricorn seeks from a high motivation it uses personal authority with integrity, discipline, and persistence. When coming from a lower motivation Capricorn can work long and hard, become powerful and wealthy and miss the point, if the end result is simply putting in their time, shutting down feelings and ending up lonely.

So on this New Moon in Capricorn, as we also welcome back the light, lean back into your heart and feel what feels right. Now is the time to plant the seeds of something significant that truly matters to you, and that in accomplishing it, will require something of you. Self-discipline, patience, dedicated work and persistence.  Each of us has something great within waiting to be realized…now is the time to plant the seeds.

If you want to know where this New Moon falls within your personal birthchart, please send me your birth information. Date of birth, mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth, as exact as possible (from a birth certificate is best) am/pm, and the city and state of birth. I will then send you the information.  And if you have any other questions or concerns, please write to me at: I would love to hear from you!

Be Well ~ Be Love

Many Blessings


Full Moon in Gemini - December 6, 2014

Astrologer Deborah Sipple - Talking Sky Astrology

Today, the Full Moon is in the air sign of Gemini. Full Moons are a time to complete something, come to a conclusion or resolve. It is also a time when emotions are large and sometimes in their intensity come out in ways not desired. When we act, say things, make decisions from a place of intense heightened emotion sometimes we can’t go back and undo the damage.

Gemini is a sign that seeks being open…to change, to new ideas, to sharing information, to taking in all the amazing stuff flying around in life. So much to do and see could be Gemini’s mantra. There is a very strong need to communicate. Therefore talking, listening, reading, writing, brainstorming, sharing ideas and information is important Gemini energy and work.

With the Full Moon in Gemini, there is a need to communicate. Possibly wrapping up and finalizing plans and projects, or deciding upon a course of action after having gathered all the pertinent points and information.  Or the need to have an important conversation that has been brewing for some time.

Gemini energy is also quick, so take a step back and think about what you want to convey, especially if it is a subject that is brimming over with emotions. Be clear and speak from the heart, but do allow the healthy flow of back and forth sharing in conversation. Listen with your heart as well, and do your best to remain flexible and open to the possibility of something new coming into the mix. Sometimes the best idea or resolve is the one that is just waiting to be discovered.

If you are interested in knowing where this Full Moon in Gemini falls in your personal birthchart, please sending me your birth information. I need mm/dd/yyyy, time of birth am/pm (as exact as possible, birth certificate is best), and city and state of birth.


There are some very significant planetary aspects coming up in the next two weeks….the 6th of the 7 squares between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn.  Also, Saturn, the great teacher will be moving into the fire sign of Sagittarius after traveling through the intense water sign of Scorpio since 2012. Stay tuned

If you have questions or comments, please send them to: I would love to hear from you!

Be Well ~ Be Love


June Astrological Weather

Talking Sky Astrology by Deborah Sipple

Deborah Headshot.jpg


The flurry of Gemini energy expressed through 5 planets that began in May and brought opportunities through communication and information moves into June, but quickly begins to quiet down a bit on June 2nd as Venus, the Goddess of Love, moves into the sensitive water sign of Cancer.  As Venus fuses with Mercury, now also in Cancer, on June 19th-June 22nd, this can create a few days of needed inward reflection and tender conversation, providing the opportunity to reveal your innermost needs and desires. Be aware that sensitive Cancer energy can also become quite moody and withdraw from opening the heart.


On June 6th, Neptune, the planet of higher consciousness stations retrograde in the sign of Pisces and will remain retrograde until the middle of November 2013. As Neptune is now in its natural sign of Pisces, the Neptunian energy is heightened dramatically. More than ever, during this retrograde period, consciously engaging with Neptune is called for. Without conscious connection, the result can be floating through life with no sense of direction, confusion and fogginess.  Engage with Neptune. Pay attention to your dreams and day dreams; write them down. Create sacred space and times where you can turn your focus inward with quiet meditation or prayers.  Open to receive.  With gratitude and oneness allow the messages of your higher self to come into your awareness.


The planet Uranus will begin to move out of aspect to Pluto on June 7th, easing the tension of the square aspect between these two powerful planets that began on May 4th, and was exact on May 20th. The 3rd of 7 squares that will conclude in 2015, when these two planets come to this stress point we once again are compelled, individually and collectively to examine old structures and beliefs within our personal lives and our world that are outgrown, yet can still feel difficult to remove or change. There is a growing need to live with more passion and purpose and that it is more important than ever to do so at this time, yet this will require something; for each of us and for the greater good.  And so in these very intense, profound and changing times each square between Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn opens us, urges us, compels us to claim our higher destiny with authenticity and courage


June 8th brings the New Moon in Gemini surrounded by the Sun, Mars, and Jupiter also in Gemini.  The New Moon is a good time to begin something, to start new and with all this Gemini mental energy, communicate! Explore new and diverse ideas, share information with others, talk, listen and see what comes up. With Jupiter and Mars on either side of the Moon, look for windows of opportunity and if it feels like the right thing, take action and get started! 


On June 23rd the Full Moon in Capricorn heightens emotional authority and dignity. Claim that as you allow others the same. This can be a powerful time to use discipline and commitment to complete what you set forth on the New Moon.


On June 11th Saturn the planet of maturity, reality, and self discipline will make an aspect of a trine with Neptune.  Trines are supportive and the energy flows easily between the two planets, however it can be so smooth that the opportunity it presents can slip by unnoticed.  Saturn always asks for wisdom, patience, and discipline to achieve the best results.  Saturn in aspect to Neptune provides a dose of reality and structure to support the realization of that which is inspired and dreamt of. The potential of Saturn and Neptune together is to bring those inspired dreams into reality, through discipline and commitment.


Around June 12th or 13th the shadow of Mercury retrograde will begun to be felt in the area of communication.  Mercury the planet of communication and perception will stand retrograde on June 26th.  During this time communication and information flow can bottleneck, creating confusion, frustration, and delays.  Be aware that about 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after the retrograde period there is the “shadow” where challenging issues can also occur.  Important documents can be misplaced, luggage lost, and conversations misinterpreted. Take the time to understand all the details of any agreement or contract and if at all possible wait until Mercury stands direct before actually signing on the dotted line.  This is a good time to go through old papers, clean out closets and drawers; rethink, reconsider, redo, restructure. With Mercury retrograde in the sign of Cancer, your feelings will come into the mix as you reflect on any pending matter.  Use your heart and head as you move through this retrograde.

*To truly gain the deepest understanding of this or any astrological weather, it needs to be applied to your personal birthchart.  Please contact me if you have questions.

Many Blessings!

Be Well ~ Be Love

​Deborah Sipple -

Talking Sky Astrology - May 2013

MAY 2013 by Deborah Sipple

We move into May on the heels of earthy Taurus energy creating focus on resources. This is a good time to set goals for what is needed for a stable base, financially and otherwise. If you understand what you do require, then as opportunities begin to open up, more appropriate choices can be made. And things will begin to open up as well as speed up.  A gradual change of signs begins on May 9th as Venus moves into the air sign of Gemini, stimulating excitement, curiosity and the desire to explore new and diverse opportunities. Communications of all kinds will increase. This can be a good time to explore new avenues of experiences that you enjoy, as well as sharing new ideas with loved ones. 

Mercury, the planet of communication and the ruler of Gemini, moves into Gemini on May 15th bolstering the activities of this very busy planet.  Following is the Sun on May 20th, and Mars on May 31st, both moving into Gemini as well.

Every year there is a cluster of Gemini energy.  This year however, has Jupiter in Gemini as well which increases Gemini’s buzz, bringing greater expansion and opportunities, many times through areas of communication and shared ideas.  Gemini energy, especially in large quantities can leave you feeling nervous or stretched too thin, prone to excessive chattiness, or very scattered with all the details that continue to come at you.  Do your best with all the seemingly endless possibilities and communications to find the thread to weave together the ones that will move you forward with substance and joy.  Tune into to new possibilities. Talk, share ideas, remain open and listen. You may be amazed at what manifests!

Once again the planet Uranus will begin to move into aspect with Pluto on May 4th building tension as it comes to an exact square with Pluto on May 20th. This aspect of the square between these two powerful planets creates stress, tension, and even the potential for crisis. This is very compelling and although stressful, creates the potential for meaningful change and greater authenticity within each of us individually and collectively. This is the 3rd of 7 squares that will conclude in 2015.  A time to examine old structures that no are no longer working and determine what is truly important.  As the 20th approaches, it can begin to feel very intense.  Engage the energy with positive intent and remember to breathe through the times that may overwhelm.  There is great power during these squares to once again re-clarify, make choices and take action that will bring deeper fulfillment, joy, and purpose in life.

In May there are two eclipses. Eclipses are very potent, powerful new and full moons, signifying changes that can begin to manifest sometime prior to the eclipse, and up to 3-6 months after. The first one on May 9th is a new moon solar eclipse in the sign of Taurus.  The new moon is a good time to start something new, or change patterns that are outgrown or unsatisfying.

In the sign of Taurus, this new moon solar eclipse has added Taurus energy from the Sun, Mercury, and Mars, and shines light on resources; inner and outer.  Taurus likes consistency, which can become feeling stuck in a rut, however eclipses bring change.  Engage consciously with the energy for best results. Is there some new skill, tool, financial support that you need to begin? Are there new directions to be thought of, talked about or actively taken?  Is there some plan that needs to be put into place to create more abundance and or stability? Are there others that can bring support or aid to your life at this time? Find that calm place inside, ground yourself, and put thought into what the appropriate course of action is, that which will adjust, develop, or support your inner and outer resource base creating new experiences of stability.

The second eclipse is a full moon lunar eclipse in the sign of Sagittarius on May 24th.  The full moon is a good time to accomplish or complete something, especially what you may have begun on the new moon. It is a time when you can come to a conclusion or full understanding of a situation, that can support or challenge personal belief systems.  It is a time when emotions can be intense and that can pose the possibility of saying or doing something in the heat of the moment that may bring unpleasant repercussions. Sagittarius energy needs movement and at times can be careless, so if overcome by challenging emotions, refrain from taking off in a vehicle, take a cool down walk instead. This is especially wise if personal planets are in the sign of Sagittarius.

These current planetary aspects need to be applied to the birth-chart to gain the fullest understanding of their impact and meaning.  Please email me at me if you have questions.

Be Well ~ Be Love